Tijdens de persconferentie op 21 april jl. van het kabinet over maatregelen in verband met het coronavirus na 28 april is onder andere meegedeeld dat evenementen, waarvoor eerder al een verbod was afgekondigd tot 1 juni, tot 1 september verboden blijven.
Deze verlenging van het verbod betekent dat de organiserende Stichting Schaak Walcheren geen andere keus heeft dan het Hogeschool Zeeland schaaktoernooi 2020 (1 t/m 8 augustus) af te gelasten.
Het eventueel door de al aangemelde deelnemers ter voltooiing van hun aanmelding betaalde inschrijfgeld zal door de penningmeester worden teruggestort. Wij hopen de al aangemelde deelnemers en vele andere schakers in de zomer van 2021 weer in goede gezondheid te mogen verwelkomen voor alsnog de 24e editie van het Hogeschool Zeeland schaaktoernooi.
Met vriendelijke groet,
het organisatiecomité van het Hogeschool Zeeland schaaktoernooi
Hogeschool Zeeland chess tournament 2020 cancelled
During a press conference on April 21 last the Dutch government has announced new measures related to the coronavirus pandemic for the period after April 28.
The measures mean among other things that events previously being banned until June 2020 will be banned until September 2020. The extension of the ban means that the organizing committee of the Hogeschool Zeeland chess tournament has no other choice than to cancel the tournament.
Registration fees, already paid by chess-players to complete their early registration, will be refunded. We look forward to welcome the already registered chess players and many other chess players as well in good health to the once more 24th edition of the Hogeschool Zeeland chess tournament in the summer of 2021.
The organizing committee of the Hogeschool Zeeland chess tournament
The measures mean among other things that events previously being banned until June 2020 will be banned until September 2020. The extension of the ban means that the organizing committee of the Hogeschool Zeeland chess tournament has no other choice than to cancel the tournament.
Registration fees, already paid by chess-players to complete their early registration, will be refunded. We look forward to welcome the already registered chess players and many other chess players as well in good health to the once more 24th edition of the Hogeschool Zeeland chess tournament in the summer of 2021.
The organizing committee of the Hogeschool Zeeland chess tournament